Nice, I like what I hear.
The drums were pretty awesome. If you're really going for a breakbeat sound, make sure to mix up the drums a bit, and diversify. That's the fun part :D
Good bass, I definitely can recognize the cerbera saw in there. Not saying that's a bad thing, or that you should turn it down at all. Cerbera Saw is a great sytrus preset, I love it.
The bass sounds great with the flanger, but a bit faded out. If I were you, I would just turn down the flanger a tiny bit, and raise the whole EQ in general. Or anything else, just to make the bass a little more dominant.
Not much to say aside from that, really good start you got coming here! It sounds very wicked, indeed. If you want, add some dark vocals in there, and maybe master/edit/slice them up a bit, for a great dirty DnB feel.
I look forward to hearing this whole song! Nice job so far...I like it! If you want to check out some of my music, I just got a new song out, "Galeforce"'s trance, not sure if that's your style, but any additional scores/listens/reviews are greatly appreciated!
Keep it up, I like your stuff. 5/5